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RSS Feed for Categories and Forum Feeds Include threads from sub forums
MarkItUp Integrator - 2013 AnimeHaxor
A BbCode Editor for XenForo with buttons management and easy visual configuration tool
Makes the spam log prune duration a little more configurable.
Create a new thread each time a new user is registered
Brivium - Thread Listing Make-Up AnimeHaxor
This product will give you ability to use different styles for different kind of threads.
[HA] Loading Effects AnimeHaxor
Easily change the loading effect of your xenforo
Countdown Plus AnimeHaxor
rovides a countdown timer in the sidebar.
Members Online Plus AnimeHaxor
Shows members who have been online for the past number of hours.
Minimum message length AnimeHaxor
This add-on allows to limit the number of characters / words in posts / threads.
Quick Reply Preview AnimeHaxor
Adds a preview button to your Quick Reply which loads in an overlay
IceWInd Clone User Group termanator1128
Quickly create a User Group based off of another one
Tagged Users in User Group CSS AnimeHaxor
Tagged users in post will be in the user group CSS of the user

HaseebIqbaldevbLatest member