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s9e Media BBCodes pack Admin
★ Guaranteed to contain every media site you need. Or at least some of them maybe. ★
Primary for Forums AnimeHaxor
Helping forums monetize product discussions
Ebay Parser AnimeHaxor
Adds eBay campaign ID's to links in messages.
Alert Improvements by Xon AnimeHaxor
A collection of minor improvements to the XenForo Alerts system.
[bd] API AnimeHaxor
Power up your XenForo installation.
Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x AnimeHaxor
10x as many results as XenForo search. Image search, spell correction, and WordPress search.
Limit the number of users a user can ignore
A collection of replacement queries for getting lists of stuff aimed at large forums.
Semprot Deny Country AnimeHaxor
Deny users from some countries from registering / posting threads.
Anti-Spam by CleanTalk AnimeHaxor
Cloud anti spam. No CAPTCHA, no questions, no counting animals, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots
Daily Statistics Admin
Extended Statistics for your forum
Threadloom List Builder for XenForo 1.5.x AnimeHaxor
Re-engage drive-by visitors, grow your Newsletter subscriber list at no additional cost
Threadloom Newsletter for XenForo 1.5.x AnimeHaxor
Painless email newsletters. 10 minutes to setup, 10 minutes to curate, $10 per month.
[WMTech] XF License Validator LITE AnimeHaxor
Robust Basic XenForo License Validation With Informative Error Messages
[WMTech] Stock Trader Extension AnimeHaxor
Adds New Stock Market Indexes to Popular Stocks

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