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Alert Improvements by Xon

xF1 Add-on Alert Improvements by Xon 1.5.6

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  • Fix access check when unsummarizing alerts. This could allow deleting arbitrary alerts for other users, but did not leak contents of that alert.
  • Remove use of get_lock which is unsupported in galera clustering, and causes errors in Percona XtraDB Cluster.
  • Fix marking alerts as read when viewing tickets for Tickets 1.6.x support
  • Do not reset individual alert view_date tracking when re-summarizing
    • This would effectively cause summarized alerts to last until the unread-expiry kicked in and pruned alerts if the user used alert re-summarizing semi-often as it would refresh the view date on alerts.
  • Mark conversation invites alerts as read when view a conversation
  • Mark ticket alerts as read when viewing a ticket
  • Fix: Undefined index: product_version_id when viewing a license with unread alerts
  • Fix user's alert summarization threshold setting not being respected
  • Fix that sometimes large number of alerts would have content fetched when a user accessed the on-hover alert menu.
  • Do not attempt alert summerization on non-like post profile/post profile comment/report/conversation message alerts.
  • Fix race condition where unsummarizing alerts would result in incorrect alert counts
  • Option/link to re-summarize alerts
    • Normal alert summarization ignores read alerts and already summarized alerts, this functionality doesn't.
    • Automatically marks summary alerts as read.
    • Has a configurable flood timer (default 10 seconds), as this functionality is implemented asunsummarize all alerts, mark them as unread, and then summarize.
      • Note; if you need a flood timer longer than your general post flood timer; please use Redis Flood Check (free) add-on to bypass the limitations of the XF mysql-based flood timer.

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