Threadloom Newsletter for XenForo 1.5.x

xF1 Add-on Threadloom Newsletter for XenForo 1.5.x 1.0

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  1. 1.5

Threadloom Newsletter lets you easily send smart email newsletters.

It uses machine learning to select your best content. This produces newsletters with higher click rates, and saves you time. You can send newsletters automatically, or create a review panel to curate them with Curation Assistant.

It takes 10 minutes to set up and 10 minutes to curate. Pricing starts at $10 per month for up to 10,000 contacts, and includes the following: SendGrid email delivery, Kickbox email address verification, Curation Assistant, XenForo and vBulletin list synchronization, Acid-tested templates, and reporting.

Emails currently go out weekly on a fixed schedule. Custom scheduling will be available in Sept. 2017, followed shortly by the option for daily emails, and opt-in email forms before the end of year.


Examples increased their traffic by 16% with Threadloom Newsletter. This video shows the number of visitors on after they send out a newsletter using Threadloom Newsletter:

Here are their click rates for Threadloom Newsletter vs. Weekly Digest.

Paul Determan,
We always knew newsletters were crucial but never had time, and auto-generated newsletters were risky at best. Threadloom Newsletter excels at picking engaging content, and Curation Assistant produces an awesome newsletter week after week.

More info about is available in this case study. increased their traffic by 20%. Here are their click rates for Threadloom Newsletter vs. Weekly Digest.

Dave Blears,
Threadloom Newsletter has been very rewarding. Increased activity on the forum and interaction between forum members. Worth every penny IMHO!

More info about is available in this case study.


SendGrid mail delivery
Threadloom also allocates dedicated IP addresses for its customer pool.

Kickbox email address verification
Automatically verifies every contact before emailing. A $70-100 value.

List synchronization
Automatically updates contact lists with new members and member state changes.

Machine learning-based content selection

Curation Assistant

Reviewer panels

Designate reviewers to curate and review newsletters.

Acid-tested templates

Recipient and author blacklisting

Exclude recipients or content based on user id, user group, or email address.

Reporting dashboard

Google Analytics UTM tags

Planned features
  • Custom scheduling (Sept. 2017).
  • Segment builder (Oct. 2017).
  • Syncing of bounces to user state (Nov. 2017).
  • Integration with Threadloom List Builder (email opt-in forms) (Dec. 2017).


(If you've already installed the Threadloom search plug-in, you can skip the 1st 3 steps below. Threadloom Newsletter uses the same plug-in as Threadloom Search, but you do not need to use Threadloom Search in order to use Threadloom Newsletter.)
  • Register on the Threadloom website.
  • Download and install the plug-in.
  • Wait for your forum to be indexed (~500K posts/hr).
  • Update your DNS records.
  • Upload your logo.

Questions and answers

Q: How effective is email?
A: Email is the most cost-effective user acquisition channel, next to organic search. On average, our customers realize CPCs of ~$0.0025. For many top communities, email is the second biggest driver of traffic to the site behind organic search.

Q: How is Threadloom Newsletter different from other email newsletter options?
A: Threadloom uses machine learning to select the best content for your email newsletters. This produces higher click rates and more traffic to your forum. Threadloom is also fully integrated with XenForo and vBulletin, and automatically keeps your lists in sync. Finally, it includes everything you need to effectively send email newsletters, regardless of how big or small your forum is.

Q: How much does Threadloom Newsletter cost?
A: You pay based on the number of people you contact. For weekly email newsletters, we charge $10 per month for the first 10,000 members you contact. We will be rolling out additional plans soon, including an option for unlimited emails.

Q: What's included in the $10 per month?
A: Everything you need to send newsletters: weekly mail delivery via SendGrid (we set it up for you), marketing tools (list management, reporting), and our curation and segmentation tools. You also get email address verification. This ensures that you don't send emails to invalid addresses and helps preserve your sender reputation so your emails don't wind up in the spam folder. and normally charge $70-100 per 10,000 contacts. Because we send millions of emails, we purchase in bulk at a significant discount and pass along the savings to you as part of the $10 monthly price. We verify all contacts before your newsletter goes out, including newly registered members.

Q: Is there a limit on how many contacts / how large of a forum Threadloom Newsletter supports?
A: No. Threadloom Newsletter have individual forums sending over 1/4 million emails at a time, and sends out millions of emails per month.

Q: Do I have to use Threadloom Search to participate in Threadloom Newsletter?
A: No. But good news! Threadloom Search customers who also use Threadloom Newsletter will eventually get the option of personalized email newsletters for their members.

Q: How does this integrate with Threadloom List Builder?
A: When Threadloom List Builder is publicly released, Threadloom Newsletter will integrate directly with List Builder so that emails you collect through the opt-in forms are automatically available as a segment in Threadloom Newsletter.

Q: Do you sell or share my data?
A: No. We will never sell or share your data.

Q: Will you update the plug-in for XenForo 2.0?
A: Yes.
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Threadloom Newsletter now includes 25,000 free emails per month

    Removed credit card paywall Each account is credited with 25,000 free emails per month

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