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Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x

xF1 Add-on Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x 2.1.1

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  • Fix for Template error in admin logs
  • Better translation between native XF search and Threadloom search (filters getting passed appropriately)
  • Known issue:
    • Search with filter using native search -> click to view Threadloom results -> click back to native results: filter gets lost going back to native results
Threadloom Search is now available as a supplemental option to the native forum search

In addition to various fixes and improvements, this update includes a new feature that lets your forum members choose (and save) Threadloom Search or your native forum search engine as their default search engine. You no longer have to choose between the two – your members can have both. As an admin, however, you are able to set either option as the default search engine for new visitors to your forum. You can learn more from our blog post here.

If you’d like to learn more about this feature please check out our Help Center articles:
Adds support for List Builder and includes an AMP-friendly change. Fixes an issue with expanded cards in search.


  • Adds support for List Builder.

  • Improves compatibility with AMP by not loading JavaScript on AMP pages.

  • Fixes an issue with expanded cards in search. There is still a known issue when filtering by certain usernames. This will be addressed in a future release.

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