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Minimum message length

xF1 Add-on Minimum message length 1.0.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
You want your members concentrate more on the main title of the conversation and avoid as much as spam or the discussion beyond the issue you assigned? This add-on was born for that. By setting a minimum number of characters and/or words in posts and threads, you will drive your conversation and totally host it.
The other participants must focus on what they said because they have just a limitation of words. The discussion will be better when everyone must select their language much more carefully.

To configure the mod go to Options in your Acp -> Minimum Message Length. There you can enable and disable the mod for each restriction separately, set the minimum number of characters and words for posts and threads. By default it is set to 5 characters and words.

You can exclude groups and/or individual users from this limit.

To exclude groups from the post count limit, go to User Group Permissions, choose the group/s that you want to exclude and under Forum Permissions you will see a new setting called: Can bypass minimum characters&words limit: Set it to yes and save the changes.

To exclude individual users from the post count limit, go to User Permissions, choose the user/s that you want to exclude and under Forum Permissions you will see a new setting called: Can bypass minimum characters&words limit: Set it to yes and save the changes.​
93.3 KB
First release
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