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Minimum Post Length Enforcer

xF1 Unmaintained Minimum Post Length Enforcer 1.0.4

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Another year, another update. This update comes with a combination of fixes and new features.

The bugs that several people were experiencing should now be gone. I will highlight a particularly notorious bug where if you had "Include BBCode" enabled and "Include Quotes" disabled, that the limits you set would be totally ignored. This led some people to wrongly assume that this Plugin doesn't support XenForo 1.5. It in fact, does, but I shall be updating the version listings to make this clear!

In addition, the plugin now optionally allows you to set minimum lengths for Profile Posts and Profile Post Comments. These settings are independent of each other:

The BBCode and Quote counting logic has also been tidied up, which helped to squash the bug I mentioned above.

The instructions and full changelog are available in the ZIP.
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