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IceWInd Clone User Group

xF1 Add-on IceWInd Clone User Group 1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
What it Does:
This simple add-on does what the name implies: allows admins to clone another user group. It copies permissions, CSS, and any banner settings you may have set in the user group you want to clone. Select the clone link, enter a new title for the user group and press the Save User Group button.

This tool can also be used to clone a specific user groups permissions that will be used to create another user group off of (to ensure no duplicate permissions). Just clone the user group, and before hitting save, go from top to bottom setting all those that are set to Allow, to Not Set, and those that you want to give, to Allow. For example: clone the Registered user group to create a Supporters User Group. This way you can see what the previous permissions were and adjust the Supporters user groups, accordingly (no duplicate permissions, and no need for an excel document to keep track of permissions).

This add-on does not copy user group node permissions. See related resource listed below.

Template Edits: None

Template Modifications: 1 modification to the admin user_group_list template

Database Changes: None

Installation: See the included read me file, standard install.

Once the install is complete navigate to: Admin->Tools->File Health Check to ensure the files were uploaded correctly.

This add-on can only be installed if downloaded from or, and can not be re-distributed or re-transmitted in any way without the consent of the author.

6.4 KB
First release
Last update

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