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Icewind Conversation Tools

xF1 Add-on Icewind Conversation Tools 1.0.21

No permission to download
  • Author Author Josh
  • Creation date Creation date
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Icewind Conversation Tools is a complete re-write of this add-on: Icewind Dale RP Prune Conversations

If you have the above add-on installed, uninstall it first, and remove the files from your server. This is not an upgrade.

What's new:
  • New directory structure
  • Utilizes XenForo's Deferred method when Pruning Conversations:
    • prune conversations that had no replies after X days
    • prune conversations where the last reply was X days ago
  • File Health Check added
  • 3 new user group permissions added:
    • Maximum started conversations
    • Time limit (in days) to start more conversations when the maximum is reached
    • Days since last message to retain conversations, this includes conversations they did not start
  • From the Admin CP, those with the required admin permission can:
    • Search for started conversations by user name, or keywords in the title
    • Delete a conversation, or all conversations, by user name
    • Delete a conversation by title keywords
    • View conversations
    • Displays the total number of conversations that are in your DB, and the total number of messages
Template Edits: None

Database Changes: Inserts the Unlimited value for the 3 new permissions for Admins, Moderators, and Registered groups. The permissions will be removed if/when you uninstall this add-on.

User Group Permissions:
Maximum started conversations: If a user is allowed to start conversations you can set this to the maximum they can start. If left Not Set, the user will not be able to start a conversation. This permission works in conjunction with the permission below.

Time limit to start more conversations (days): If set to Unlimited, the Maximum started conversations value (if set to a value greater than 0) is ignored. If set to Not Set (0), the user can not start another conversation when they reach the Maximum started conversations amount until a conversation they started is hard deleted. With these 2 permissions you can set it so that a usergroup can only start 1 PC a day, or 3 PC's per 7 days... you get the idea.

There are 2 phrases you can change or add to, if a user tries to start a conversation when their limit is reached. I purposely left the Start a Conversation links in place so that Admins can change the phrases to add something like: "To start more conversations, consider becoming a premium member." The 2 phrases are:


Days since last message to retain conversations: If set to Unlimited or Not Set, this permission is ignored. For a value greater than zero, if any conversation they have in their inbox did not have a reply in X days, the user will be removed from that conversation, and set so that they do not receive the conversation again if a reply was made afterwards.

Before setting this permission you may want to use the Prune Tool (set to the days you want to set this permission to) to give you a count of how many conversations meet the criteria. This permission is checked when a user visits their inbox, so if you are going to use this permission, leave the Registered groups value as Unlimited days until after you have it set for the other user groups.

To use these permissions correctly, the lowest values should be set for the Registered group and then increased (or set to unlimited) for your other groups. The highest value is what is used.

Admin->Tools->Prune Conversations

Note, the Prune Conversations button will not appear until you press the Count button to get the total that meets your criteria.

Conversations with no Replies: Set the number of days that went by where the conversation did not have any replies. You can select to include Admins, Moderators and those set as Staff. Select the Count button. Once the count is retrieved the Prune and Cancel buttons will appear.

Last Replied to Conversations: Works as above, but checks for the last reply date.

Admin->Tools->Find User Conversations

Here you can find all conversations started by a user, or by title containing keywords. Once the conversation list is shown you can view a conversation or delete it. Viewing the conversation was added so that admins can make informed decisions if a conversation message was reported. Or if you want to see if any new member is trying to spam your legitimate members inbox'es by searching for certain words that a title may contain, i.e: "Great deal on..." Note: use at your own discretion, this was only added for admins to use as a tool.

The conversation view is just basic, with the participants user names linked to their profile pages and the message owner usernames linked to the Admin User edit page.

At the top of this page the total number of conversations and conversation messages in your database is displayed. The bottom of the page will show the total amount of conversations by user or by title when you do a search.

Installation: See the included read me file, standard install.

Disclaimer: By installing this add-on you agree that you are solely accountable, and take full responsibility, for any loss of data. And that you understand that this add-on has the potential to permanently delete every conversation in your database.

Be mindful of your pruning settings and what button you are about to press. If you hit Prune Now instead of Cancel, by mistake, you can cancel the pruning process once it begins but you will still lose conversations! Back-up your Database before installing this add-on!

This add-on only had limited testing, install and use at your own risk!

Once the install is complete navigate to: Admin->Tools->File Health Check to ensure the files were uploaded correctly.

This add-on can only be installed if downloaded from or, and can not be re-distributed or re-transmitted in any way without the consent of the author.

27.8 KB
First release
Last update

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