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Icewind Insolent One

xF1 Add-on Icewind Insolent One 1.2

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If failed in attempts was not set to allow for one, the initial TFA screen would throw a too many attempts lock-out error.

Well... not any more, much to the chagrin of the Insolent One.

Read the ever-engrossing included readme file to update from a previous version, or installing for the first-est time ever.
- added an option to allow one failed login attempt before a CAPTCHA is used.
Directly below: AdminCP->Options->User Options->Login Limit Method is the option Insolent One Allow one Failed Attempt. Check to allow for the one failed attempt. The name of the option is set that way as a reminder the option is from an add-on.

- worked diligently to make this add-on the first XenForo add-on to be officially 100% gluten free.

To upgrade, upload the files and be sure to over-write the existing ones. Importing the XML is optional, it only bumps the version number.

To install, see the read-me in the zip.

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