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Icewind Insidious Six

xF1 Add-on Icewind Insidious Six 1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
The insidious Six is the last of the gun slinger series.

What this add-on does: displays members viewing a particular thread or forum (by parent node), see SS's.

What this add-on does not do: make you coffee in the morning, nor does it track guests. Get over it.

Options: AdminCp->Options->Icewind Insidious Six Options
Viewing Timeout: by default the Insidious Six uses the online status time out setting. If you have numerous amount of members on-line at any given time, you may over-ride the time out with this setting.

The rest of the options should be self explanatory.

Style Properties: See screen shot. Note, if you select to display avatars there is a style property so you can style an avatar to reflect a members on-line status, it is defaulted to opacity of .5

The containers are set to centre the viewers, or the total, it just looks better IMO, you can change this to left or right in the appropriate style property.

Members Privacy: if a member can not view a particular forum/thread or bypass a members privacy settings, any member viewing that forum or thread will not show in the counts or be displayed to them.

Permissions: General Permissions Group -> Insidious Six View forum viewers. Defaulted to Not Set.

Database Changes: adds one new table (memory) to your database.

Cron: adds a new cron entry to prune the above table once an hour.

Phrases: prefixed with iwd_is_ to quickly find/modify the phrases as you deem(ing) fit.

Template Modifications: one for each above and below option for displaying where the members viewing should show.

Installation: these guys are gun slingers, they do not "install", they assimilate. Upload the files, import the XML, see the readme for more intriguing details.

Un-assimilation: when completed, you won't even know your site was ever assimilated by the Insidious Six.

Callbacks: constant contact with the Borg hive. Good luck with that.

Branding: these guys do not give a rat's perfectly bulbous butt about branding. To them it's all about reputation. They do not take kindly to assimilating a site with other add-ons that have a branding line of "some functionality...", as that to the Insidious Six is stealing from their reputation. You may hear gun shots.

By Installing this Add-on you agree:
- to back-up your Database
- the callback may bring the borg here, and if so you accept the responsibility for the fate of mankind
- that there may be a performance hit for larger forums. The above mentioned setting, and selecting totals to be displayed, may help those boards
- that you are nice

If you find this add-on useful, please consider making a donation. Contact me via a conversation. For each donation above $1, a dollar will be donated to those affected by the Fort McMurry fire. It's a biggie, and I think Canada has used up all it's carbon credits for the next ten years.


15.7 KB
First release
Last update

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