XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

[TH] Online Users AnimeHaxor
Extend the length of time that users appear as online, beyond the current 1 hour limit.
Browse XenForo forums on your mobile device!
Locally rehosts any external [IMG] files (optionally as attachments) and updates links
Icewind One-Eyed Willie AnimeHaxor
Moves the node list below the thread list in forum view
Login as anyone on your forum, for any reason...
[RRWS] User Upgrade List AnimeHaxor
A public list of all users who purchased account upgrades within last 30 days.
[Android] XenTorneo Buddy AnimeHaxor
XenTorneo Buddy helps you run tournaments with third-party APIs...
ToKi - Custom Board Title [LITE] AnimeHaxor
Rename the Board Title plus other oprions.
Live Update AnimeHaxor
Automatically updates your alert / inbox, adds indicator to favicon.
Allows caching of your proxied images
ToKi - Custom Board Title Admin
Rename your Board Title or even use a image.
Show Extras in thread page Admin
Show what extra information you want in different places in threads pages
Provides per thread/node user group permissions for post rate limiting
Open All Links (even internals) In New Tab Admin
Open all links in your xenforo in new tab
ToKi - Visitor Tabs in Admin/Mod Bar Admin
Add the visitor tabs to the Admin/Mod bar!
balspuugLatest member