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User location map

xF1 Beta User location map 1.0.1

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
View users on an interactive map

This is an add-on I made for my site (Land Cruiser Club) whereby users can set a location on a map. You can then also view all the users, click on them to view their profile* etc etc.

To view the map go to <my xf install>/usermap


How does it work?
When a user saves their profile the field from their Person Details (below)
the entry for Map Location is taken and decoded to a latitude and longitude. This is then saved and rendered on the map.


From the admin point of view:
You can turn various bits on and off in Options

You may or may not need a Google Map API key. They might block you after too many requests. A key is free so might as well.

There is also an option to do a mass-update of all users. This will attempt to get their location in the following order:
1) The value entered in Map Location
2) Their Location value
3) The location of their registration IP address (caveat emptor!**)

To trigger the update simply go to <my root URL>/usermap/massupdate
It will then chew through the users and get their locations. It offers no warning and offers no cancel. Press enter and it starts.

*not ready yet in beta.
**this could seriously annoy some users and breach privacy. Use at your own risk. It is (should be :) ) turned off by default so turning it on is your act. :p

I provide this software without warranty, guarantee or liability. You install it entirely at your own accord. I hold zero responsibility for it annoying someone.
Footnote 2:
This is beta. The next version of it will most likely be purchasable and have a lot more features and bug fixes. Don't get grumpy when you see an update which requires a nominal fee :)
7.9 KB
First release
Last update

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