XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

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Nodes As Tabs
Enables nodes to have their own nav tabs. Supports tab selection, permissions, and child links.
ToKi - Visitor Tabs in Admin/Mod Bar
Add the visitor tabs to the Admin/Mod bar!
Does what it says on the tin, adds a help tab to your navigation.
Removes conversation titles from URLs
Adds a "Start a Conversation" link in every post, next to "Report" and/or under User Info
[Llama] Conversation Reply Permission
Adds a permission to allow/prevent user from replying to Personal Conversations
Conversation Reply Limit
Limits the number of replies allowed per conversation.
Adds the My Account wrapper (sidebar) to Conversations pages
Icewind Conversation Tools
Allows admins to prune conversations and adds 3 new user group permissions
[ITD] Disable Signatures in Conversation.
Disable Signatures in Conversation.
[TH] Conversation Search
Adds the ability to search your own conversation messages to the main search.
Conversations Prune
Allows pruning old conversations.
Choose who can reply to conversations...
A few new conversation permissions (reply based)
Display what forum members are online in a WordPress widget
Display various forum stats in a WordPress Widget
Vkontakte Authentication (Russian Social Network)
Integrate XF data on your website
A Little Code to Build Your Own Plugin
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