XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Style Selector in Sidebar
Select your style without having to scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Allows you to get a What's New listing for a specific node
[TH] Page Search
Adds the ability to search pages to the main search.
[TH] Log Out Redirect
Redirects you to the page you were viewing on log out, rather than forum home.
[TH] Log Out Link
Provides a Log Out button in the main navigation link bar
Navigation Entire Link Trigger Popup
Removes drop down arrows and makes entire top navigation link hoverable.
MetaNew: Next Unread Post
Provides a link and buttons that take you directly to the oldest unread post
[TH] Resource Category List Navigation
Provides options to simplify your resource categories
[TH] Sub-Domains
Customise your forum based on the domain or run several forums from a single XenForo installation.
[TH] Forum Jump Menu
Adds a pop-up menu to the Forum tab giving easy access to various forums.
[TH] Next/Previous Tab Button
Replace the submit button with Continue/Back buttons on your tabbed forms.
Icewind Visitors Tab
Adds a members avatar to the visitor tab and option to replace/remove user name
[TH] Navigation Tabs
Adds the ability to change the display order for tabs added by other add-ons.
[TH] Search
A collection of new search improvements including a number of days filter and improved wildcard.
[TH] Redirect Rules
Set criteria for certain parts of your site to be redirected to a different domain.
[TH] Remove From Sitemap
Removes selected nodes (and their threads) from the sitemap.
[TH] Shorter Routes
Replaces /forums/title.123/ and /threads/title.123/ links with /title.f123/ and /title.t123/ links.
Allows a single CloudFlare page rule to apply to login & registration
[TH] Keywords
Redirect specified search keywords to a forum or other page instead of the usual search results.
Redirect to specific route on user login.
hanhiroshiLatest member