XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

[TH] Node Numbers
Prefixes the display order number in the Node Tree in the Admin Control Panel
[TH] User Groups Importer
Export/import your user groups to or from an XML file, for backing up, transferring and duplicating.
[TH] Captcha Phrases
Translate your captcha questions into multiple languages.
[TH] Admin Home
Move the navigation links that you use most often to your Admin Control Panel Home page.
[TH] Add Username To Attachment
Prepend an attachment with the user's name when they download if they are in a specified user group.
[TH] Diagnostics Permissions
Gets rid of those pesky admin tools that have no permissions (Facebook Test + File Health Check)
[TH] Debug On Post
Ever wanted to view the debug screen after posting a form? You can now!
[TH] SMTP Registration Bug Fix
Fixes bug that passwords may be stored in plain text if SMTP server is used and is not working.
[TH] Default XenForo Smilies (Smilie Importer XML)
In case you lose your original XF smilies, import them again with the Smilie Importer
[TH] Star Rating for Custom Fields 1.0.x (Custom Field XML)
Add a star rating field to your threads or user registration/preferences.
Border AnimeHaxor
Add a border to any attached image in a post.
XenStaff will display a list of members belonging to selected groups, with a few additional options.
Useful if you need to grant additional awards or status when a user pays for an upgrade.
Member Activity AnimeHaxor
Monitor user's activity depend upon usergroup
Remove Share This Page
Removes Share This Page panel from sidebar.
Link "Staff Online Now" to Staff Page
Feature your users for a time frame of your choice.
Sets up a sidebar countdown block that can be managed from the ACP
Puts your Ventrillo Server in the sidebar.
Put your Game Tracker servers in the sidebar.
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