XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

[TH] Basic Color Markers for Hotspots (Hotspots KML)
Blue, brown, dark gray, dark green, gray, green, orange, pale blue, pink, purple, red and yellow.
[TH] Language Chooser Position
Options to manage the Language Chooser through the Admin Control Panel
[TH] Delete Attachments Permission
This adds a permission for deleting attachments on top of the usual edit permissions.
[TH] Image Restrictions
Allow your users to restrict certain users from viewing images in individual posts.
[TH] Language Flags
Add flag images next to your language titles in the language chooser.
[TH] Threads in Overlays
Open specified threads in an overlay.
[TH] Node Language Override
Override the display language for specific forums.
[TH] Random Key Generator
This allows users to generate a random key for their user account, which is stored in the database.
[TH] Post on Reported Content
Creates a new thread in a forum of admins choice on report in addition to filing report as normal.
[TH] XenForo Extended Smilies (Smilie Importer XML)
Import XenForo Extended Smilies by Shelley using the Smilie Importer.
[TH] System-Wide Permissions
Adds a link and a permission in the Admin Control Panel to disable any permissions for all users.
[TH] Flood Control Permissions
Adds additional permissions to increase/decrease flooding limits per member and per content type.
Template Viewer
Want to test a template for an add-on you haven't built yet? View any template easily.
[TH] Profile Posts Limit
Adds the option to control the number of profile posts displayed
[TH] Status Permissions
Adds new permissions for statuses, completely separate from other profile posts permissions. Tags: a
[TH] Forum Watch More
Extends [bd] Forum Watch, adds user group watch options and support for Social Groups
[TH] Log Out Redirect
Redirects you to the page you were viewing on log out, rather than forum home.
[TH] Edit User Join Date
Allows the administrator to change the registered date of any user through the Admin Control Panel.
[TH] Star Rating for Custom Fields (Custom Field XML)
Add star rating fields to your threads, posts, resources or user profile.
[TH] BB Code Permissions
Use permissions to stop BB codes being used by certain users and user groups, or in certain forums.
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