This add-on adds the ability to view any template by going to /templates/name_of_template from your forum.
This could be useful if you are creating a theme, add-on or similar, or just want to have a play around with template syntax.
It is not recommended to use this add-on on a production site.
To view admin templates, go to admin.php?template-viewer/name_of_template.
To view email templates, go to admin.php?email-template-viewer/name_of_template.
You can also get to all of the above links by clicking the 'Preview' link next to the required template in the appropriate template lists.
For a contribution of any amount, you may install the add-on on a commercial site, and no additional add-ons are required to be installed. You can even use CSS or Javascript to hide the copyright notice.

Alternatively, by purchasing a subscription at and installing the Install and Upgrade add-on, you can also completely remove all branding and activate any premium features on all your add-ons. You can also remove all branding and get the premium features for this add-on if you make a significant contribution to this add-on in any way.
This add-on would not have been possible without the incredibly generous contributions of Audentio, our premium members, and the commercial site owners who have kindly donated. Big thanks also goes to those who have helped others in the discussion thread, liked and reviewed this add-on.
This could be useful if you are creating a theme, add-on or similar, or just want to have a play around with template syntax.
It is not recommended to use this add-on on a production site.
To view admin templates, go to admin.php?template-viewer/name_of_template.
To view email templates, go to admin.php?email-template-viewer/name_of_template.
You can also get to all of the above links by clicking the 'Preview' link next to the required template in the appropriate template lists.
For a contribution of any amount, you may install the add-on on a commercial site, and no additional add-ons are required to be installed. You can even use CSS or Javascript to hide the copyright notice.

Alternatively, by purchasing a subscription at and installing the Install and Upgrade add-on, you can also completely remove all branding and activate any premium features on all your add-ons. You can also remove all branding and get the premium features for this add-on if you make a significant contribution to this add-on in any way.
This add-on would not have been possible without the incredibly generous contributions of Audentio, our premium members, and the commercial site owners who have kindly donated. Big thanks also goes to those who have helped others in the discussion thread, liked and reviewed this add-on.