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Pixel Guide Template

xF1 Add-on Pixel Guide Template v1

No permission to download



Summary: Pixel guideline templates which I found are usefull for graphic resource forums as a visual guideline to others who are not savy in pixels/sizes. Below (quoted text) is an example of how they can be used as a reference guideline.
Format: .Png

Conditions of use: This pack may be used on forums, websites but cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.

When requesting an image, please indicate whether it's a Signature, Avatar, board logo etc. Please use the following guidelines to make it easier for the graphic designer. Following the guidelines set forth ensures that your request is filled quickly and saving the staff from locking/deleting topics which don't conform to the rules. We ask that you also refrain yourself from creating any threads requesting any graphics from the Graphic Database.

NOTE!! Your first post in this section should contain the Request Guidelines (shown below)

* Type of Image: (Logo, Avatar, Banner)
* Text on image:
* Specific Images: (links must be supplied !)
* Colour Scheme:
* Size (in pixels):
* Animations:
* Things to avoid: (what you don't want in your image)

Pixel Size Template

We are aware that not everybody knows what pixels are, or what size they actually want. We have provided a Pixel Size Template (shown Below) which will help you in deciding what size you would like that Image to be.


NOTE!! Because the graphic request area is not officially a service, staff are not obligated to fill or take on requests. The graphic request is community driven, which means members helping members. However, this doesn't mean a staff member won't help from time to time, it all depends whether they have higher priorities and/or other obligations.

On a final note, We ask that you conform to the guidelines set forth. Complying with the rules will give your request a higher chance of being filled by the designer. However, ignoring the guidelines will result in your post being locked and/or deleted.

Please be aware that any threads created requesting any modifications of image sets located in the image database shall have their thread deleted. This area is not for requesting database image sets.

* Revised September 16th 2007
33.1 KB
First release
Last update

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