XenForo 1.x

XenForo 1.x

Top resources

sonnb - Up Thread Admin
Bring a new feature to your forum to reducing of "upppp" message spam.
[XenMods] Notable Members Admin
Increase performance and criteria for the notable members page of your forums.
Conversation Auto Reply Admin
A robust Auto Reply system for conversation messages.
Brivium - View Full Media Permission Admin
This add-on adds an extra permission of “Can view full media” for XenForo Media Gallery.
Brivium - Quick Create Thread Admin
Create quickly a "Create Thread" button anywhere on the navigation bar by this add-on.
Brivium - Like / Reply to View Attachment Admin
Prevent users to use downloading attachments until they like to answer the post or thread.
Brivium - Extra Thread Item Admin
Keep your users staying with you more by adding more threads under what they read.
Brivium - Credits Integrate User Upgrades Admin
This addon defines events to fully integrate Credits (Premium) with XenForo User Upgrades.
Brivium - Credits Resource Integration Admin
This add-on supports users in transactions on RM by using credits instead of money
Minecraft Paid Username Validation Admin
When registering, users must use a paid Minecraft account username.
XFUniverse TaigaChat Pro Essentials Admin
Enhance your TaigaChat Pro install with these essentials.
Brivium - 404 Essential AnimeHaxor
Perfect solution for 404 Error of webpages by automatically review and fix it next time.
Esthetic Extended BB-Codes Admin
This is a small addition adds additional BB-codes for messaging that will limit access to content
[ChipXF] Remote Image Upload (imgur, imageshack, picasa, flickr, postimage) Admin
Easy way to upload images to Imgur, Imageshack, Picasa, Flickr, Postimage and insert to thread, post
Social Connect (for Facebook and Twitter) Admin
Let your members connect to Facebook and/or Twitter to post their new threads, trophies and statuses
AVForums.com - Moderator Checkpoint System Admin
Track which posts have been checked by your moderators across the forum.
GoodForNothing Product Manager Admin
Sell your downloadable products to your visitors, mange licenses and more!
devikeyLatest member