XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

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It for images category, make new icon for your category
Download - Add ons awaiting download the same file SVIT
Defer JS AnimeHaxor
Moves XenForo javascripts to before the </body> tag for performance
sonnb - Xenforo Trigger Lightbox AnimeHaxor
Trigger Lightbox view for inserted images and attachments.
Minimum Posts AnimeHaxor
Requires a minimum number of posts to view threads.
Thread Display Options AnimeHaxor
Adds Thread & Conversation Display Options above thread and conversation list
CTA Login AnimeHaxor
Add Facebook, Twitter, and Google logins to the sidebar
[TH] Resource Icons AnimeHaxor
Add-on for Resource Manager, allows you to change the icon size, including non-square icons.
Brivium - Auto Close/Move/Delete Thread Inactivity AnimeHaxor
This hack can close/move/delete the zero post threads that was created before X days.
Brivium - [Store Product] Change User Title AnimeHaxor
A product-addon of Store Framework allows users purchases permission to change their user title.
Brivium - Jump to Page AnimeHaxor
Jump to Page allows you to jump directly from one page to another.
Brivium - Popular Forums Sidebar AnimeHaxor
This add-on allows to add the most popular forum to the sidebar based on the post count.
Remove Ignore AnimeHaxor
Removes the Ignore feature from your forum.
Responsive Social Sharing Buttons AnimeHaxor
Adds Responsive Social Share Buttons to Threads, Pages & Sidebar
Random Thread AnimeHaxor
Displays a random thread.
A parser to convert Bb Codes to Html with a few useful options
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