XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

[HA] Profile Music AnimeHaxor
Easily add a profile music to your site
Advanced Search Plus AnimeHaxor
Allows searching deleted posts and threads.
[8WR] XenHabla (IRC) AnimeHaxor
Chat: LightIRC, Mibbit or QwebIRC
Banlist AnimeHaxor
List all users who have been banned
About Me Restriction AnimeHaxor
This addon restricts to use About Me field for specific users/usergroups to prevent spammer.
[RT] Online Status Ribbon AnimeHaxor
Show who is online and who is offline with a ribbon or dot.
Advanced PayPal Donate system for XenForo.
Icewind Staff AnimeHaxor
Create custom staff tabs for the navigation bar and/or members tab
Automatically Enable CloudFlare DDoS Protection
eBay listings on users profile.
Smiley Manager AnimeHaxor
An useful tool for smilies management
Friends by Waindigo Xenforo AnimeHaxor
friendly system for XenForo.
Clickable Rows AnimeHaxor
Allows clicking anywhere within a content list to open content
Conversation Live Update AnimeHaxor
This addon allows you create live conversations that auto display new replies without refresh.
Thread Live Update AnimeHaxor
This addon allows you create a simple live thread that auto display new posts without refresh.
Go To Top ! AnimeHaxor
Auto Scrolling button at the right of the footer helping users to go to the top of the page
[TH] Login As User AnimeHaxor
Gives trusted admins permission to login as any member, without having to know their password.
Username Change by Siropu Admin
Allows your users to change their username from user control panel.
Icewind Total Forum Thread Views AnimeHaxor
Adds discussions (thread) views, and displays the total in the Sidebar and on each Forum
kosausauatLatest member