XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Smiley manager will help you manage your smilies by grouping them into categories.
Comfortable CAPTCHA and protection from spam bots
Top members, threads, and more
[8WR] XenCarta (Wiki)
A very "lite" Wiki alternative
[TH] XenAtendo More
Adds half-hourly event times and more recurring event options to the XenAtendo add-on.
Bubble Ads (after every first post)
A simple, quick and easy to use, portal for your XenForo forum software.
Event Planning, RSVP and Calendar
A Portal for XenForo
Always wished you could sticky a single thread across all of your forums?
Allows your user to create thread from anywhere...
Show Friend Inviter Block on the Sidebar
Turns your entire Xenforo page into a game.
[TH] Social Notices
An extension for Social Groups. Allows creation of notices in social forums.
Ban User IPs
Allow ban all user IPs which user has used
Resources on Quick Navigation
A simple add-on to add "Resources" to the Quick Navigation Menu
Easy way to optimize your forum. Extremely useful for big board.
Add support for NGANLUONG as a pay gate
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