The Poor Man's Portal
A simple, quick, easy to use, portal for your XenForo forum website.
This is the perfect solution for those who don't want too or can't install a full-blown CMS system like joomla, WordPress, or Drupal.
Installation / configuration of the Poor Man's portal can take just 5 minutes or less, by following the step by step, detailed instructions.
The portal uses html template files in order to easily and seamlessly integrate the .php widgets exposing different elements of your forum.
Just use the <widget> tag to call the corresponding widget from anywhere on your portal page.
The standard portal package includes 3 widgets
1) Latest Forum Posts
2) Forum Stats
3) Members online now
which can be configured / customized in a variety of different ways.
Because the portal uses html templates you can take your existing webpage's html files and copy them into the template with no issues.
Also you can use other 3rd party widgets, i.e. facebook, twitter, etc.. and integrate them into the portal.
The portal supports IE 6+, FF 2+, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Latest Forum Posts
The widget displays the lastest forum posts on the portal page. After setting up the widget you will be able to display the latest forum posts on your homepage.
Features included are:
1) customize the css
2) use PDO or SQL database connections
3) custom table title
4) exclude certain forum nodes
5) automatically exclude private nodes
6) exclude usergroups
... and more.
Forum Stats
The widget displays some forum stats.
Stats it will display are Display Forums with the most posts, Display Top Posters, Display Latest Posts
Features included are:
1) customize the css
2) use PDO or SQL database connections
3) custom table title
4) custom column titles
5) exclude certain forum nodes
6) automatically exclude private nodes
7) exclude usergroups
... and more.
Members Online Now
The widget will display who is currently online on your Xenforo forum.
Each member name is listed with their avatar and a link back to the member's profile page.
Features included are:
1) Includes counts of members and guests
2) customize the css
3) use PDO or SQL database connections
4) custom titles
5) number of members to list
... and more.
See the file labeled Installtion.txt for detailed instructions on how to install / configure / customize your Poor Man's Portal.
The .zip file includes an index.php; if your home page already has a index.php file, make to sure to back it up and don't overwrite the file.
Back up your home page.
Extract the files in the zip file to your home directory
Edit the following configuration files, to meet your needs
General configuration file../eipSoftware/portal/config/portal_config_useroptions.php
Lastest Posts configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/lastposts/config/widgets_lastposts_config_widgetoptions.php
Forum Stats configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/forumstats/config/widgets_forumstats_config_widgetoptions.php
Online Now configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/online/config/widgets_online_config_widgetoptions.php
WordPress version >= 2.8
MySQL >= 5.1
PHP >= 5.2; if you want to use the PDO option you need PHP 5.3 or greater. And PDO needs to be enabled on your web server.
If you like and use the Poor Man's Portal a suggested donation of $5 would be great.
Donation via Paypal --->
An upgraded portal package includes the following features:
1) Call your widgets via javascript from an .html page
2) Photo of the day widget
3) Word of the day widget
4) Xenforo sign on widget
5) Google Custom Search Engine
Send me a note to inquire about the upgrade, $25
1) Hottest posts
2) Current Polls and results
3) Media (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) support
4) Mobile auto switcher
5) Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) skin support
6) Additonal css layouts, 2 column, different color schemas, menu left-side, etc...
7) And some other crazy ideas I have kicking about...
If you would like me to customize the widgets to match your current home page, for you
send me a note and I can let you know cost / time involved, usually no more than $25.

A simple, quick, easy to use, portal for your XenForo forum website.
This is the perfect solution for those who don't want too or can't install a full-blown CMS system like joomla, WordPress, or Drupal.
Installation / configuration of the Poor Man's portal can take just 5 minutes or less, by following the step by step, detailed instructions.
The portal uses html template files in order to easily and seamlessly integrate the .php widgets exposing different elements of your forum.
Just use the <widget> tag to call the corresponding widget from anywhere on your portal page.
The standard portal package includes 3 widgets
1) Latest Forum Posts
2) Forum Stats
3) Members online now
which can be configured / customized in a variety of different ways.
Because the portal uses html templates you can take your existing webpage's html files and copy them into the template with no issues.
Also you can use other 3rd party widgets, i.e. facebook, twitter, etc.. and integrate them into the portal.
The portal supports IE 6+, FF 2+, Chrome, Safari, Opera
Latest Forum Posts
The widget displays the lastest forum posts on the portal page. After setting up the widget you will be able to display the latest forum posts on your homepage.
Features included are:
1) customize the css
2) use PDO or SQL database connections
3) custom table title
4) exclude certain forum nodes
5) automatically exclude private nodes
6) exclude usergroups
... and more.
Forum Stats
The widget displays some forum stats.
Stats it will display are Display Forums with the most posts, Display Top Posters, Display Latest Posts
Features included are:
1) customize the css
2) use PDO or SQL database connections
3) custom table title
4) custom column titles
5) exclude certain forum nodes
6) automatically exclude private nodes
7) exclude usergroups
... and more.
Members Online Now
The widget will display who is currently online on your Xenforo forum.
Each member name is listed with their avatar and a link back to the member's profile page.
Features included are:
1) Includes counts of members and guests
2) customize the css
3) use PDO or SQL database connections
4) custom titles
5) number of members to list
... and more.
See the file labeled Installtion.txt for detailed instructions on how to install / configure / customize your Poor Man's Portal.
The .zip file includes an index.php; if your home page already has a index.php file, make to sure to back it up and don't overwrite the file.
Back up your home page.
Extract the files in the zip file to your home directory
Edit the following configuration files, to meet your needs
General configuration file../eipSoftware/portal/config/portal_config_useroptions.php
Lastest Posts configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/lastposts/config/widgets_lastposts_config_widgetoptions.php
Forum Stats configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/forumstats/config/widgets_forumstats_config_widgetoptions.php
Online Now configuration file../eipSoftware/widgets/online/config/widgets_online_config_widgetoptions.php
WordPress version >= 2.8
MySQL >= 5.1
PHP >= 5.2; if you want to use the PDO option you need PHP 5.3 or greater. And PDO needs to be enabled on your web server.
If you like and use the Poor Man's Portal a suggested donation of $5 would be great.
Donation via Paypal --->
An upgraded portal package includes the following features:
1) Call your widgets via javascript from an .html page
2) Photo of the day widget
3) Word of the day widget
4) Xenforo sign on widget
5) Google Custom Search Engine
Send me a note to inquire about the upgrade, $25
1) Hottest posts
2) Current Polls and results
3) Media (Youtube, Vimeo, etc) support
4) Mobile auto switcher
5) Mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) skin support
6) Additonal css layouts, 2 column, different color schemas, menu left-side, etc...
7) And some other crazy ideas I have kicking about...

If you would like me to customize the widgets to match your current home page, for you
send me a note and I can let you know cost / time involved, usually no more than $25.