Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


Resource Search AnimeHaxor
Allows searching the Resource Manager based on category and resource fields.
Auto Move AnimeHaxor
Auto moves threads in selected forums.
Weekly Digest AnimeHaxor
Sends an email to your members every week showing most popular topics.
User Upgrade Reminder AnimeHaxor
Sends an email reminder to users who have an account upgrade about to expire.
User Upgrade Conversation AnimeHaxor
Sends a Conversation when a member does a User Upgrade.
Similar Threads AnimeHaxor
Shows a list of similar threads when a user is creating or viewing a thread.
Search Log AnimeHaxor
Provides information about the searches being made by guests and members.
Rsvp AnimeHaxor
Provides an RSVP button in a message where members can register for an event.
New User Email AnimeHaxor
Sends an email welcoming new members to your forum.
New Thread Limit AnimeHaxor
Limits the number of new threads a member can create in a given amount of time.
New Posts AnimeHaxor
Displays New Posts in the sidebar.
Most Posts AnimeHaxor
Displays a Most Posts sidebar block.
Most Likes AnimeHaxor
Display a Most Likes sidebar block.
Moderators AnimeHaxor
Displays a list of moderators and the forums they moderate.
Information AnimeHaxor
Creates an Information tab menu system.
Inactive Members AnimeHaxor
Sends an email to all inactive members.
History AnimeHaxor
This add-on will allow members to quickly return to previously viewed threads.
Header Thumbs AnimeHaxor
Adds three small images to your header. Images change every 10 minutes. Images link back to post.
Forum View Count AnimeHaxor
Shows number of forum views by visitor type.

marcelodangeloLatest member