- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
Creates an Information tab menu system.
Live example:
(Example of Information tab)
1. Edit the library/Andy/Information/Information.php file and add the "public function actionExample()" code.
2. The actionExample code will call a link like this:
3. You will also need to create the andy_example template.
Creates an Information tab menu system.
Live example:
(Example of Information tab)

- Tab highlights when selected.
- Tab has Quick Links drop-down button.
- Menu items shown in sub-navigation bar.
- Breadcrumb shows current path.
- Ability to add sub-menus.
- Simple template system.
- Download information_v1.1.zip and unzip it
- Upload the Andy directory to your server, the correct location is library/Andy
- From your Admin Control Panel, go to the Install Add-on page
- Upload the addon-Information_v1.1.xml file
- Click the Install Add-on button
- Edit the andy_information template.
- Edit the andy_information_quick_links template.
1. Edit the library/Andy/Information/Information.php file and add the "public function actionExample()" code.
class Andy_Information_ControllerPublic_Information extends XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract
public function actionIndex()
// send to template
return $this->responseView('Andy_Information_ViewPublic_Information', 'andy_information');
public function actionExample()
// send to template
return $this->responseView('Andy_Information_ViewPublic_Information', 'andy_example');