- Compatible XF Versions
- 1.2
- 1.3
- 1.4
- 1.5
Auto moves threads in selected forums. The Options page allows setting the age of the thread and the forums that will be effected.
For example this add-on is very useful to automatically move old threads in classified forums to an archive forum.
(Example of Options page)
The Days value determine when the thread will be moved. For example if the thread never gets any replies, it will be moved X days after the thread creation date. Otherwise the last reply date plus the Days determine when the thread will be moved.
Include Forums
Select Forums which are effected by this add-on.
Cron entry:
By default the Cron entry will run every day at midnight. This can be easily changed by adjusting the Cron entry located here:
Admin CP -> Tools -> Cron Entries
Auto moves threads in selected forums. The Options page allows setting the age of the thread and the forums that will be effected.
For example this add-on is very useful to automatically move old threads in classified forums to an archive forum.
(Example of Options page)

- Runs automatically once a week using XenForo Cron.
- Sticky threads will not be locked.
The Days value determine when the thread will be moved. For example if the thread never gets any replies, it will be moved X days after the thread creation date. Otherwise the last reply date plus the Days determine when the thread will be moved.
Include Forums
Select Forums which are effected by this add-on.
Cron entry:
By default the Cron entry will run every day at midnight. This can be easily changed by adjusting the Cron entry located here:
Admin CP -> Tools -> Cron Entries
- Download automove_v1.0.zip and unzip it.
- Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location is library/Andy.
- From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
- Upload the addon-AutoMove_v1.0.xml file.
- Click the Install Add-on button.