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[WMTech] Social Share Privacy AnimeHaxor
Super-Responsive, Beautiful Buttons For Social Sharing Protecting Your Visitors From Being Tracked
[S70] Steam Authentication & Integration (XenForo 1.x) AnimeHaxor
Steam Integration and Connected Account Provider for XenForo 1
Improvements to XenForo's user mentions system (user group tagging)
Trader AnimeHaxor
Allows giving feedback on sellers and buyers.
[DBTech] Easy Registration AnimeHaxor
Make the registration process for your XenForo forum easier and faster.
[DBTech] Product Manager AnimeHaxor
Manage your DragonByte products under one single AdminCP tab.
Warning Improvements by Xon AnimeHaxor
Collection of improvements to XF's warning system
Who Replied AnimeHaxor
Show the users who replied to a specific thread
Auto Close Threads AnimeHaxor
Close threads after x amount of days has passed since either the first post or the last.
Mobile Suite for XenForo AnimeHaxor
Put your forum on the home screen and get push notifications
Convert Image All AnimeHaxor
Converts ALL hot linked images to attachments.
VaultWiki Lite AnimeHaxor
xF1 Add-on VaultWiki Lite 4.0.21 Patch Level 1
Wiki for XenForo forums (free version)
Logs thread title changes to the XF edit history system.
A collection of improvements to the XenForo Conversation system.
Similar Threads Plus AnimeHaxor
Shows a list of similar threads when a user is creating or viewing a thread.
[KL] Password Tools AnimeHaxor
Cause safer passwords are better passwords.
Amazon Parser All AnimeHaxor
Adds Amazon affiliate number to links in messages.

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