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VaultWiki Lite

xF1 Add-on VaultWiki Lite 4.0.21 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Additional Requirements
The following requirements are based on the full version. The Lite version has fewer MySQL tables, fewer files, and takes up less disk space.

PHP: 5.3+ (5.4+ recommended, 5.5+ recommended for big boards)
MySQL: 4.4.1+ (5.1+ recommended)
MySQL tables: 75+ (for some shared hosts)
MySQL max_allowed_packet: 1M+
Disk Space: 12M+ (1G+ recommended)
iNodes: 5000+ (for some shared hosts)
Memory limit: 32M+ (64M+ recommended for XenForo)

This add-on performs an external callback to a VaultWiki-operated server once per day to check for add-on updates, which are then displayed in the Admin Panel.
Owners of community web sites using popular forum software like XenForo already know that content has, and forever will be, the king. Content keeps your community engaging, driving new signups, ad revenue, subscriptions, and more content. Forum suites have given your site the power to shift a significant part of the content creation process to the community itself. But there's a problem:

In threaded discussion, users are implicitly pitted against one another in a race to create the most popular discussion and maintain a top spot in the thread list. This drives the creation of multiple threads on similar topics, some with information sprinkled throughout pages and pages of replies. When similar threads have 200 replies, new users joining those threads don't want to read through everything to find the information they need. Instead, they:
  • Don't even bother, and try to find another site with more authoritative information, OR
  • Pick one and read through it all, but their question was answered in a different thread, OR
  • Post their question as a reply, but it is lost in the ongoing discussion or they are told "Your question was answered. Try reading the thread next time," OR
  • They post their question as a new thread, and further dilute the importance of existing threads, OR
  • They just give up on the topic entirely, and they leave.
VaultWiki to the rescue! Instead of making your users compete, VaultWiki gives them a place to work together to build that one authoritative post.

Encourage Users to Work Together
VaultWiki allows your community to collaborate to create and publish content pages for your site. Multiple users can edit the same page, and your staff can moderate changes as they are made. VaultWiki maintains a detailed history of every page, making it just as easy to reverse unwanted changes.

Create All Kinds of Content
With VaultWiki, you can create general site content, user manuals for your products, wikis, eBooks, eCommerce product pages, and more. With a little imagination, VaultWiki can be purposed to do almost anything.

Seamlessly Integrates With Your Community
At its core, VaultWiki is an add-on product for your XenForo forum platform. Its pages all meld with the forum's existing style. Users write new content with the same editor and BB-Codes they are already familiar with. The content is indexed by your forum's built-in search engine. And each user's contributions are acknowledged on his or her profile.

Attract New Membership
VaultWiki creates content and content URLs that are designed to drive new traffic to your site. With guides for search engines embedded in every page, each page preserves its value when it comes to generating traffic.

Fast, Responsive Support
Subscriptions come with free support in our forums and bug tracker system, and documentation is available online at all times. Paid installation and upgrade services can be ordered via our web site.

Active Development
The team at are actively involved in the development process. VaultWiki is constantly updated to be compatible with the newest forum software releases, to meet web standards, and to incorporate new technologies. Bugs are fixed promptly and new features come out all the time.

Demo link:
  • screen-editing-pages.png
    290.7 KB · Views: 331
  • screen-version-history.png
    273.8 KB · Views: 299
  • screen-wiki-article-xf.png
    393.8 KB · Views: 313
  • screen-wiki-demo-xf.png
    208.2 KB · Views: 300
  • screen-wiki-discussion.png
    198.3 KB · Views: 309
3.3 MB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Changes in 4.0.21 Patch Level 1

    (released March 16, 2018) Fixed VWE-2018-4471, a Race Condition issue in the wiki's deferred tasks.
  2. Changes in 4.0.20 Patch Level 1

    (released December 1, 2017) Fixed VWE-2017-4266, a Denial of Service issue in the wiki's static...
  3. 4.0.17 Patch Level 1

    (released March 30, 2017) Fixed Subscription Management Flaw VWE-2017-3677

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