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Brivium - Credits (Lite)

xF1 Add-on Brivium - Credits (Lite) 1.2.4

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5
Credits is a ultimate points system for Xenforo with a lot of features (see below). This is useful in providing an incentive for users to participate in your site, and be more active. Users often strive for more recognition, as well as competition. It's also useful for contest, challenge, participation, game or online store!

I. Admin Functions:

1. Configure a lot of options example
- Enable/Disable Visitor Tab Display.
- Enable/Disable Message Element Display.
- Enable/Disable Visitor Sidebar Panel Display.
- Enable/Disable Member View Display.
- Enable/Disable Member Card Display.
- Transaction Per Page.
- Transactions History (Days).
- Set Default Currency.
- Allow Guests to Trigger View Actions.
- Exclude Block BBCode from Size Multipliers.
- Count Words for Size Multipliers.

- Reset all User Credits to Zero (with prune existing transactions).
- Reset all User Credits from Zero (without prune existing transactions).
- Give credits from the beginning (without prune existing transactions).

2. Manage Currencies
- Create/Edit/Delete/Enable/Disable a Currency.
- Manage Exchange rate of Currency.
- Set Currency Code.
- Set Currency left/right Symbol.
- Set Decimal Places.

3. Manage Rules/Actions
- Registration: Assign points to new users.
- Login: Assigns points for each daily login.
- Transfer: Calculate tax and fee when a user transfer credits to other.
- Happy Birthday: Assigns points to user which have birthday.
- Interest: Growing the value of user's credits over time.

- Complete/Incomplete Profile: Assigns credits when a user has 100% completed his / her profile.
- Upload/Delete Avatar: Assigns or remove credits when a user upload/delete avatar.
- Update Status: Assigns credits when a user update status.
- Follow/Unfollow: Assigns or remove credits when a user follow/unfollow.
- Get Follower: Assigns or remove credits when a user get/lost follower.
- Profile Post: Assigns credits when a user post comment on other member's profile page.
- Get New Profile Post: Assigns credits when someone comment on user's profile page.
- Like a Profile Post: Assigns or remove credits when a user like/unlike a profile post.
- Receive Profile Post Like: Assigns or remove credits when a user receive/lost profile post like.
- Create New Conversation: Assigns credits when a user create new conversation.

- Create New Thread: Assigns credits when a user create new thread.
- Thread Deleted: Assign credits when a thread of user was deleted.
- Thread get Reply: Assigns credits when someone posting in user's thread.
- Thread Viewed: Assigns credits when someone viewing user's thread. Actions should be limited.
- Read Thread: Assign credits when a user read a thread.
- Create Poll: Assigns credits when a user create a poll.
- Vote Poll: Assigns points to the user after he responded to a poll. Multiplier is the number selected.
- Poll Get a Vote: Assigns credits when a user's poll get a vote.
- Thread get Sticky/Unsticky: Assigns or remove credits when a user's thread becomes sticky/unsticky.

- New Post: Assigns credits when a user create new post.
- Post Deleted: Assigns credits when a post of user was deleted.
- Upload Attachment: Assigns points when a user upload new attachment.
- Download Attachment: Increase or reduced creadits when a user download an attachment file.
- Attachment Downloaded: Assigns points when someone downloading user's attachment. Multiplier is filesize.
- Receive/Lost a Post Like: Assigns or remove credits when a user receive/lost a post like.
- Report Post: Assigns or remove credits when a user report a post. You can use positive or negative values.
- Like/Unlike a Post: Assigns or remove credits when a user like/unlike a post.
- Post get Reported: Remove credits when a post of user get reported.

- Especially for allow third party products to create new action (See developer's documentation)
- Besides this allow to import/export Action settings.

4. Manage Transactions
- Privately list all Transactions.
- View detailed Transaction Informations.
- Delete a/selected Transactions.
- Ordered by latest received and biggest received amount.
- Filtered by Actions, Username, Start/End date, Date since.

5. Donations / Transfers
- Transfer credits to members (Use administrator's credits).
- Donate credits to members by usergroup or username.

6. Cron Job Entries
- Happy Birthday Credits Update.
- Interest Credits Update.
- Transactions Clear History.

7. Credits Statistics
- Total board credits statistics.
- Total board members.
- Average credits earned by day/member.
- Average points spent by day/member .
- Top of richest/poorest member.
- Top of Spent/Earned by day member.

8. Importer Integration
- Supports import credits from vBCredits I, vBCredits II, kBank (vBulletin).
- Supports import credits from [bd] Banking.

II. User Functions:
- Trigger actions to get credits.
- View board credits statistics.
- View history of transactions filtered by action.
- Transfer credits to other users.
- Intergrated with alot of third party products.

III. Other Functions:
- Fully Phrased.
- Complete Admin Help.
- Complete Developer's Documentation.

Download and unzip the attached file, and follow the instructions in Installation.txt

Download and unzip the attached file, and follow the instructions in the extras folder, be sure to move chronologically through upgrades you missed.

Fully integrated with Xenforo and easily integrated with third party scripts. Upcoming companion addons to Credits:
- Brivium - Giftcode Sharing
- Brivium - Medals System
- Brivium - Change Username
- And more products coming soon

1. For Third Party

- You may or may not need to supply your table prefix with any particular third party script. Also, We're building a list of compatible third party scripts, so please submit them to me if you know of any that allow it, and I'll be able to provide more specific instructions on each.
- Use TABLE: xf_user COLUMN: credits

2. For Board Admin
- Please notes that all action works based on default currency.

Brivium - Credits, the ultimate points system test out beta versions and premium addons for free, and make your suggestions in a more structured way!

Thank you for using Brivium - Credits, I would be happy to hear your feedback and correct anything that comes up. For more tailored support, please indicate you have installed this hack, and if you like it. In exchange for which, this hack requires that you retain the copyright line at the bottom of the forum. If you do not agree, please do not use this.

This hack is fully functional, unrestricted and supported, but there are premium addons available regarding Paypal support, subscription additions and branding removal, which you should discuss with me privately if you are interested. More information is also found at my website.

2.1 MB
First release
Last update

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