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xF1 Add-on Conversation Improvements by Xon 1.3.15

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Resource Name

Conversation Improvements​

This will automatically uninstall my old add-on: Unmaintained - Conversation Search by Xon and Unmaintained - Conversation Reply Permissions by Xon

For large forums, please see the "Installing for large forums" section

Uninstalling removes all data!


Adds conversation search, with options to search by recipient.
New Conversation Permissions
Adds an 'IP' button like posts have which allows the IP of the user to be viewed.
Conversation Likes.
Conversation Message Edit history
Conversation Title Edit history
Allow conversations with no-one (default off)

Adds conversation search, with options to search by recipient

Users must be a member of the conversation to see the conversation in search results.
Does not permit moderators/administrators to see another person's conversations in search results.
Due to XenForo's design, this addon impacts general 'everything' search as per search handler constrains are not invoked resulting in false positives which are removed by XenForo rather than the search subsystem.
Adds each conversation, and conversation message to the XenForo Search store (MySQL or Elastic Search), which may result in a larger search index.

New Conversation Permissions​

Just takes away a user's "reply" button, no banners.
The reply limit is for the entire conversation, but the limit is per user group. Consider when User A & User B are members of a conversation.
User A can have a reply limit of 5. User B can have a reply limit of 10.
Once the conversation has >5 replies, User A can no longer post. Once the conversation has >10 replies, User A and User B can no longer post

Conversation Likes​

Adds conversation likes. These Likes generate alerts, and additions to users news feed (with permission checks) as expected.

Conversation Message Edit History​

Adds edit history for conversation messages.

Conversation Title Edit History​

Adds edit history for conversation's title, and implements a new moderator permission "Manage Conversations by anyone" to allow non-conversation starters to edit a conversation.

Allow conversations with no-one

A global option to allow users to send conversations to just themselves.

Known Issues​

Edit History does not respect/implement any silent editing window.

Installing for large forums​

For large forums, please try manually adding all the columns in a single step.
This took upto 5 minutes for 1.3 million conversation messages (compressed).
For Like support & edit support:
ALTER TABLE `xf_conversation_message`
ADD COLUMN `like_users` BLOB,
ADD COLUMN `edit_count` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `last_edit_date` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `last_edit_user_id` int not null default 0;
ALTER TABLE `xf_conversation_master`
ADD COLUMN `conversation_edit_count` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `conversation_last_edit_date` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `conversation_last_edit_user_id` int not null default 0;
Or just edit support:
ALTER TABLE `xf_conversation_message`
ADD COLUMN `edit_count` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `last_edit_date` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `last_edit_user_id` int not null default 0;
ALTER TABLE `xf_conversation_master`
ADD COLUMN `conversation_edit_count` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `conversation_last_edit_date` int not null default 0,
ADD COLUMN `conversation_last_edit_user_id` int not null default 0;


Can Reply to Conversation. - Default - If a group can start a conversation, they can reply.
Reply Limit for Conversation. - Default - If a group can start a conversation, the reply limit is disabled (ie infinite).
Like conversation messages. - Default not configured.
Manage Conversations by anyone. - Default - If a group can edit any conversation posts, this permission is set for them.

Manual post-installation steps - Rebuild Search Index​

The add-on will report conversation related content types that require re-indexing.

Performance impact​

1 extra query per conversation message posted due to indexing, and indexing itself.
2 extra columns per conversation message for Like data.​


I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade or [TH] Install and Upgrade to install this addon.




40.1 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. 1.3.15 - Compatibility fix

    Fix error when indexing conversation messages with DragonTech credits installed
  2. 1.3.14 - Maintenance update

    Elasticsearch v6 single-type support is complex so move it into...
  3. 1.3.13 - Compatibility update

    Fix "Undefined index: recipient_state" when interacting with other add-ons

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