Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


[RM] Page separator
Splits your resource description in different pages
Rate Own Resources
Includes a new permission that allows resource authors to rate and review their own resources.
[Xen-TR] Resource Owner and Downloaders
Add "Resource Owner" and "Downloaded" signature and ribbon RM's threads
Display the reviews system more obvious on Resources Manager
Convert Threads to Resources
Convert the first post from an existing forum thread into a resource manager resource.
Schedule the automatic creation of a thread with a random entry from your XenForo Media Gallery
[cXF] Resource Tabs
Show tabs in XenForo Resource Manager instead of sorting menu.
Rebuilds XFMG custom field cache for each media item
[cXF] Media Tabs
Show tabs in XenForo Media Gallery instead of sorting menu.
ControllerHelpers and some Handlers become extendable. Extra Code Events added.
XenQuotation is an add-on for XenForo that allows your community members to save quotations.
Extra Album Types for [xfr] User Albums Addon
Ban User IPs
Allow ban all user IPs which user has used
Allows your user to create thread from anywhere...

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