Xenforo Extended Smilies
Summary: Xenforo extended smilies that extend on the Xenforo default pack.
Install: Upload to your smiley folder and start adding them via the admincp >> smiley manager
Shelley Note: Look at this release as an ongoing work in progress, I'll be constantly designing and adding more smilies to the pack as time permits for an even extended variety of smilies to choose from for your members.
Update 18-3-2014: Since the spritesheet was made available to guests (without my consent) it broke the terms of usage which I set so therefore removed them. If at any point in the future the permissions have changed I'll resubmit them. At this time they are not available here.
How to add smilies via Spritesheets: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/smilies-as-css-sprites.20121/
Video Created by @Kier
Conditions of use: This pack may be used on xenforo forums only, this pack cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.

Summary: Xenforo extended smilies that extend on the Xenforo default pack.
Install: Upload to your smiley folder and start adding them via the admincp >> smiley manager
Shelley Note: Look at this release as an ongoing work in progress, I'll be constantly designing and adding more smilies to the pack as time permits for an even extended variety of smilies to choose from for your members.
Update 18-3-2014: Since the spritesheet was made available to guests (without my consent) it broke the terms of usage which I set so therefore removed them. If at any point in the future the permissions have changed I'll resubmit them. At this time they are not available here.
How to add smilies via Spritesheets: http://xenforo.com/community/threads/smilies-as-css-sprites.20121/
Video Created by @Kier
Conditions of use: This pack may be used on xenforo forums only, this pack cannot be redistributed or repackaged in any way shape or form for any reason without prior consent of the author.