Competitions for XenForo

xF1 Add-on Competitions for XenForo 1.2.0

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This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.

Invigorate your community and engage your website sponsors with competitions.
  • Easy to set up competitions
  • Competition pages have a sidebar in which competition images are displayed
  • Automatically close competitions on the end date, pick the winners and notify them by alert
  • Optionally create a discussion for a competition in chosen forum
  • See what competitions a user entered/won in their profile
  • Home page competitions sidebar block displays random selection of competition thumbnail images
  • Permissions to view/enter/create/open and publish competitions
The basics include
  • Rich text editor for competition details
  • Set the date the competition runs from and to
  • Set the number of winners and runners up
  • Easy set up of question and answer with optional multiple choice options
  • Image upload with crop tool with optional Alt/Title text, caption and link URL
Restrictions and conditions include
  • Set usergroup permission to view, enter, create, open and publish competitions globally and on a per competition basis
  • Optional age restriction to enter
  • Optional country restriction to enter (requires GeoIP for PHP)
  • Optional additional restriction rich text
  • Optional opt in/opt out tick boxes with marketing message to create a marketing list for the competition sponsor
Options include
  • Orient the sidebar on the right or left (the competition images are displayed in a sidebar)
  • Force a competition's thumbnail image on the home page sidebar block (when there are several competitions, they are normally picked randomly)
  • Optional forum specified for the creation of an associated discussion
The cron
  • Opens published competitions on the start date
  • Closes open + published competitions on the end date
  • After closing a competition, the winners are picked at random and sent an alert, plus the competition author is alerted of the end of the competition
  • Note: The cron entry is configured to run at around midnight GMT. This is how the XenForo cron system works. You will need to manually adjust this according to your timezone.
There are also some screenshots below.

The cost of this add-on is a bargain at only £25 GBP. The cost is subsidised by way of a discreet branding message seen just below the default XenForo copyright:


If you wish to remove that branding, please purchase the branding free version here for only £50 GBP.

Terms and Conditions
  • This add-on was developed and will be supported and maintained by Chris Deeming.
  • The original development cost of the add-on was funded by Stuart Wright of / M2N Ltd.
  • The purchase of the add-on entitles you to use the license on a single, licensed installation of XenForo. If you wish to use the add-on on more than one install, please purchase additional licenses.
  • Payments are taken by PayPal and orders are fulfilled by FetchApp. Please keep any and all e-mails pertaining to the add-on. The download link you receive after purchase will always download the most recent version of the add-on.
  • With the exception of the branding free version, the copyright text must be displayed at all times.
  • If you wish to purchase the branding fee version at a later date after already purchasing the branded version, this can be arranged. Contact Chris Deeming by Conversation.
  • Refunds cannot be provided once the add-on has been delivered.
  • competition_list.jpg
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  • enter_marketing.jpg
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  • entry_sent.jpg
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  • guests_invited.jpg
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  • no_dob.jpg
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  • not_old_enough.jpg
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91.2 KB
First release
Last update

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