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xF1 Add-on vBulletin 5 to Xenforo Importer 1.1.414.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5
vBulletin 5.2.5 to Xenforo 1.5.12 Converter.

This is my first contribution to the community. Please bare with me on this. This is a VERY simple converter, no special css or anything, it just works.

I know this converter works with vBulletin 5.2.5 and Xenforo 1.5.12 as these are the versions I have, and tested with. I am uncertain if it works with any other versions.
Its slow. 500k posts will take approx 10 hours to do complete conversion.

I didn't make it convert permissions though. 2 reasons, I couldn't find the Xenforo bit information, and in my opinion the vBulletin 5 ones were broken. So depending on how many forums, I had 360+. Was so worth it, cause I honestly needed to audit it all anyways. Did I mention its slow? VB5 Bits are in the file if someone wants to convert it.

Obviously make backup before. This will not modify your VB5 install at all. This does require a fresh install of Xenforo. Btw its slow.

This keeps the first user of Xenforo, your admin, and skips the first user of vBulletin which was your admin.

Quick instructions:
  • Copy the file to your Xenforo forum root. For me it was /forum
  • Edit the php file. There is only 1 file. At the top is some basic config stuff, Directory for files, details for vb5 database, xenforo database. It assumes your forum installs are on the same server.
  • Run the link
  • Click the [Convert] buttons
  • When done, click the finished button at the bottom. All this does is drop the table used to convert data, and remind you to run tools.
You'll notice some links to convert are not there. They will populate once you have completed stuff.

Example: You need the user groups in order to convert the members. Need members in order to convert other things etc etc. I mentioned its slow right? But it works.

Best part, its free. If you found it useful, there is a donation link in the converter, but not required.

If you want to use the code to make a better one. I'm ok with that, as long as I get mention, and it must remain free.

Converting the following takes a long time:
Posts (Obviously), Polls, and PM's

This will copy your emoticons, and your attachments as long as you provided the details in the little config at the top of the file.

You'll need to run the rebuild cache in admin tools once everything is finished. Also rebuild the thumbnails for attachments.

Unless you're having issues, I recommend leaving the convert qty values where they are.
The estimated time is just a rough estimate. Honestly its going to depend on your server.

If you are having issues converting, I will do my best to assist you. Just remember I have a job, and its not this. It might take me a bit to respond.
I have my VB database set as UTF-8, and my Xenforo database as UTF-8. In my test all special characters converted properly.
12 KB
First release
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More resources from AnimeHaxor

Latest updates

  1. Removed Tags

    This version removes dealing with tags for now.
  2. Fixed the redirect for thread

    Fixed a redirect for threads.
  3. Fix for Thread, and Post

    When using different Database would not write. Was an error on my side.

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