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xF1 Add-on vBulletin 5 to Xenforo Importer 1.1.414.1

No permission to download
This version removes dealing with tags for now.
Fixed a redirect for threads.
When using different Database would not write.
Was an error on my side.
Still requires them to change their password.
Conversion of approx 20,000 pm's used to take about 2 hours. Will now take approx 2-5 minutes.
- Fixed a bug where the 1st thread, and 1st post of each cycle was dropped.
Members speed increase
This fixes an issue with the first post in a thread being dropped.
Fix wait time between cycles to be faster
- Fixed a bug with usergroup stalling
- Fixed a bug with pms
Fixed PM:
- Conversations being cutoff mid convo
- HTML codes not transferred properly
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Reactions: iboibo and tinotk

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