Thread Tagging Improvements

xF2 Add-on Thread Tagging Improvements 1.0.8

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  • Tags-view shows a new column next to "total" called "Potential"
    • Clicking an item in this cell opens a dialogue where you can select threads to:
      • Add tag
      • Ignore
  • Fixed a bug with tags that contain ' not being escaped properly and throw an error


  • Screenshot from 2022-12-07 21-27-17.png
    Screenshot from 2022-12-07 21-27-17.png
    22.9 KB · Views: 98
  • Allow filtering the words by search input
  • Thread previews:
    • show the tags for listed threads
    • show total count of matches in footer
  • New "explore mode", can be used without a word, or opened from a potential word:
    1. Allows you to further define words for a tag and see which threads are matching it
    2. When you are happy with the results, you can easily create a new tag from the word
  • Similar tags: Allow deletion of tags from potential tags view (asks for confirmation of course)
  • Fix so that auto-tagging for tags with multiple words ensures all words exist and in correct order
    • Previous version would match e.g. king of the hills to making of the hills have eyes..
    • This version is now strict and should not allow any false-positives
  • Admin navigation to correctly show "potential tags" as active when it is.
    • Breadcrumbs correctly setup also for new explore mode
  • Potential tags page now shows 50 items instead of 100 (aligned with tags page)
  • Possible to select multiple words for ignore/unignore
  • Automatic thread trigger to work with tags that contain multiple words
  • Similar tags improved:
    • Shows the use count
    • Button to preview threads tagged with the tag
    • Button to edit the tag
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