[TH] Extended Banning and Moderation

xF1 Add-on [TH] Extended Banning and Moderation 1.0

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5
About this add-on

This add-on is designed to provide your staff with an advanced baning and moderation tool for each forum.

This add on follows the example of the Thread Reply Ban option in xenforo, but it is extended to work on a forum level (for each forum), and it adds several extra options.

Who can use this tool?

This tool can be used by users with permissions: Can ban users extendly from forums, which can be located under the Forum Moderator Permissions group. If you want to disable the toold for a particular forum, then you can disable it under the permissions for that forum.

Forum moderators can also make use of this tool, provided they are given asses to the permission for the forums that they are moderating.

How does it work?

Users with the appropriate permisisons will see a new link, Manage Forum Bans, added on the forum list page. The link will open in an overlay where you can ban users and configure the banning options for that forum.

You can ban one user at a time, or several users at once from performing these actions in that forum:

Ban user from creating threads in this forum
Ban user from replying to threads in this forum
Ban user from entering this forum

You can specify the Ban Length, which can be permanent, or temporary for a certain period.

You can also enter a reason for the ban and choose to notifiy the banned users should you want to do that. In which case, the banned user will receive an alert being informed to what action he has been benned from performing at that forum and the reason why.

Admins and Moderators are protected from being banned.

A cron to clean up the expired user bans is also available on the Tools page in your Admin Panel.

Each banned and unbanned action is logged in the Moderator log.

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12.8 KB
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