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TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam (Free Version)

xF1 Add-on TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam (Free Version) 1.1.5

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TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection

This is the complete collection of AntiSpam Tools provided by Tenants

There are currently 6 add-ons to this collection, these tools will make all spam irrelevant.

TAC Anti Spam includes the following Add-ons:

1) AnyApi: Use Any Api On Registration (anti spam, anti fraud, any api thing) [This is Free and can be downloaded as a Free Stand Alone Plugin]
By default, this is set up to use:
  • Project Honey Pot Http:BL,
  • StopForumSpam,
  • FSpamlist,
  • Spam Busted,
  • Bot Scout
  • (up to 10 APIs defined by you)
Although, when using FoolBotHoneyPot, you wont need any APIs to stop bots (I recommend just including StopForumSpam to catch humans).

2) FoolBotHoneyPot: (this is now desperately needed again for XF > 1.4) Currently Prevents 100% of Bots, using elegant methods that do not bother humans
This uses many methods (too many to describe here), for information on the methods.

NB: StopBotResources is not included in the collection, since it should only be used for small forums, with resource issues due to spam bots
NB: PhoneVerify is is not included in the collection (It's out of the scope of "normal Anti spam tools")
300.1 KB
First release
Last update

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    updates to the latest versions
  3. fixed an intall fbhp error for fresh installs

    whops,doing a bit of claning up and missed this one... no template changes, just a install fix...

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