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TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection

xF1 Add-on TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection 1.0.7

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TAC(Tenants Anti-Spam Collection) - Anti-Spam Complete Collection

This is the complete collection of AntiSpam Tools provided by Tenants (Michael Page)

There are currently 7 add-ons to this collection, these tools will make all spam irrelevant.

This is the paid version of TAC Anti Spam, which is brand free (and contains the plugin DeDos)
(There is also a free version which contains branding)

For the installation of these, 1st download the attached zip from here:
When you upgrade at SurreyForum the plugin is immediately available to download (as an attachment in the first post)

TAC Anti Spam includes the following Add-ons:

1) AnyApi: Use Any Api On Registration (anti spam, anti fraud, any api thing) [This is Free and can be downloaded as a Free Stand Alone Plugin]
By default, this is set up to use:
  • Project Honey Pot Http:BL,
  • StopForumSpam,
  • FSpamlist,
  • Spam Busted,
  • Bot Scout
  • (up to 10 APIs defined by you)
Although, when using FoolBotHoneyPot, you wont need any APIs to stop bots (I recommend just including StopForumSpam to catch humans)
For installation instructions, follow this:

2) FoolBotHoneyPot: (not needed for XF > 1.4), using elegant methods that do not bother humans
This uses many methods (too many to describe here), for information on the methods, read this:
For installation instructions, follow this:

3) StopHumanSpam: Set conditions signature/links/homepage & stop post creation for banned words
For installation instructions, follow this:

4) StopCountrySpam: Black/white list country IP addresses from registering
For installation instructions, follow this:

5) CustomImgCatpcha: Customise your own images for CAPTCHA
For installation instructions, follow this:

6) FaceBookRegCaptcha: Add CATPCHA to FaceBook Registrations
This prevents (rare) bots attempting to register via FaceBook
For installation instructions, follow this:

7) Dedos: Reduce DOS resource usage from Scrapers / Spam Bots / Simple DOS attacks
For installation instructions, follow this:
348.1 KB
First release
Last update

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StopHumanSpam - Anti Human Spam Admin
Set conditions signature/links/homepage & stop post creation for banned words

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