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StopHumanSpam - Anti Human Spam

xF1 Add-on StopHumanSpam - Anti Human Spam 1.3.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.3
  2. 1.4
  3. 1.5
If you like this plugin, please >>rate it<<

This Plug-in has 0 database queries overhead

This is included in Both
i) Free (Branded) Tac Anti Spam Collection
ii) Paid (unbranded) Tac Anti Spam Collection

This plugin can be used in combination with:
  • FoolBotHoneyPot (to stop spam bots completely! using elegant methods that do not bother humans)
  • AnyApi (Use any API you want, to prevent spam bots / spam humans from registering)
  • StopCountrySpam (to reduce spam from particular countries bot/human),
  • CustomImgCaptcha (2nd fallback to stop spam bots)
  • StopBotResources (to reduce the amount or resources spam bots use)
Stop Human Spam by setting conditions for signatures / posts containing links / home page urls
  • Stops URLS in Profile Posts, Conversations, HomePage URL , About You (until conditions are met: Likes/number of days reg/like: post ratio)
  • Stops Sneaky URLs (such as w w w mysite .com)
  • Stops threads with banned words being created in title/post
  • Permissions controlled (so usergroups can bypass)
  • Forum Node controlled (so selected forums can bypass the rules)
  • Conditions controlled (so users that meet non spam coditions are never bothered by it)
  • Human spam attempt events are logged in the ACP
Stop Banned Words
Stop posts / threads being created with banned words. These words can be in the title of the thread or the content of the post/thread. This prevents the human spammer from using their usual spam content (copy / pasted from word/txt). The human spammer can vary what they write, but after going through the hassle of not being able to create a real link / sneaky link of any sort (see below), most will just give up.

Link -Post-Rules
These rules prevent users who do not meet the requirement from creating links in various places.
The Link -Post-Rules condition's are set in the ACP and include:
  • Minimum Number of Posts
  • Minimum Number of Likes
  • Minimum Like : Post Ratio (This should prevent many users from creating pointless posts, just to increase their post count)
  • Minimum Registration Days
Stop Sneaky Urls
Stop Sneaky URLs with Regex, in title / content. If humans can't post real links, often human spammers will try to sneak broken links into posts, or thread titles, for instance: w w w . mysite . c o m. This regex stops threads / posts being created with these types of Sneaky URLs )

These rules prevent new users from chainging their signature from default (blank) until the conditions are met. A separate set of conditions similar to above (for link post rules) are definable in the ACP

  • Turn On Link-Post-Rules For Posts && Threads
  • Turn On Link-Post-Rules For Profile Posts
  • Turn On Link-Post-Rules For Conversations
  • Turn On Link-Post-Rules For HomePage URL
  • Turn On Link-Post-Rules For About You
  • Apply Link-Post-Rules To Email Addresses
  • Allow External Images & Media
  • Banned Thread Title Words
  • Banned Post Content Words
  • Stop Sneaky Urls with Regex
All rules are permission controlled, so if you want a user / group to bypass any of the rules, the following permissions are available:
  • Can Bypass Link-Post-Rules
  • Can Bypass Signature-Modify-Rules
  • Can Bypass Stop-Banned-Words
  • Can Bypass Stop-Sneaky-Urls
When you account upgrade at SurreyForum the plugin is immediately available to download (as an attachment in the first post), this is automated.
You should now have the following folder structure:
http:// www.
  • Go to ACP -> Add-ons -> Install Add-on -> Install from file on server
  • Install from file on server: "library/Tac/StopHumanSpam/addon-stopHumanSpam.xml"
  • Set options in the administration control panel ACP>>Home>>Options>>StopHumanSpam

1. Unzip the following zip file, and copy over the original files with the new versions (just copy over the entire StopCountrySpam Folder)

2. From within the Admin Control Panel: yourforum/admin.php?add-ons/
find StopHumanSpam, and select the options
Control >> Upgrade

3. Upgrade from file on server: "library/Tac/StopHumanSpam/addon-stopHumanSpam.xml"

  • 1 payment for this add-on covers one install on one forum
  • Do not use this add-on on warez or illegial sites, doing so may prevent you from using this add-on & you will not be allowed further updates / other plug-in resources
  • If you have not paid for this add on, do not use it on your forum, doing so may prevent this add-on from working
33 KB
First release
Last update

More resources from Admin

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