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SMS users using criteria (Novin Payamk)

xF1 Add-on SMS users using criteria (Novin Payamk) 1.0.0 Beta 1

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Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5

With this add-on, you can send SMS to all your members that supports:
  • Full User Criteria
  • {phrase: phrase_title} which will be replaced with the phrase text in the recipient's language
  • Custom fields value can be parsed using {custom_field_{field_id}}
Some screenshots:

How to Use:
  • First you should register in Novin Payamak and activate you SMS Panel (its free and its dedicated for Iranian) Of course you can get paid services and tools too.
  • Then you need to go to API page and activate an API (get Username and Password)
  • Then first Install the core add-on in "addon-rtCore_1.0.0-Beta-4" folder of archive.
  • Then install the main add-on in folder "addon-tkSMSIntegration_1.0.0-Beta-1" in archive.
  • After installation, go to option > Tekku SMS Integration and set your info (your user and pass of API of Novin Payamak that you made in step 2)
  • That's it! Go to your "Users" Tab of ACP and use "SMS Users" from "Contact Users".
Note: Novin Payamk's services are supported just in Iran. So just Iranian (or other user who are in Iran can use this add-on). If you need to use this add-on for your own SMS provider, feel free to contact @batpool52! and ask him to add support of your SMS provider.

This add-on is free and will remain free, as a gift from Dadparvar and NovinPayamk to all XF users.

Hope you enjoy this add-on.

Donations are always welcome and if you want to do so, then just start a new PC with me. (All donations will be used to add new features to add-on)

Hamed Azimi (Dadparvar)
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159 KB
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