[HA] SMS: NovinPayamk

xF1 Add-on [HA] SMS: NovinPayamk 1.1.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF Versions
  1. 1.5
Additional Requirements
NovinPayamak Account
  • Export Numbers
    • Based On User Group
    • Ability to select primary or secondary user group
    • Ability to set to contain username and user id next to numbers
  • Options
    • Options to set the custom user field for number
    • Options to set novin payamak's username and password
    • Options to list the admins (those who will receive sms in some situations that you set)
    • Sms When Money Transferred (bd banking by @xfrocks )
    • Sms When Money Purchased (bd banking by @xfrocks )
    • Sms When User buy upgrade
    • Sms When Receiving Conversation
    • Sms When Resetting Password
    • Sms When Registration
    • Sms When Resource Purchased (commercial resource by bd paygate by @xfrocks - sms to buyer, admins, owner)
    • Sms When upgrade expired
    • Sms When is going to be expired
    • Sms When logged in admin cp
    • Sms for two step authentication
    • Sms for Donations (Donation add-on by @DragonByte Tech )
    • Sms to users who had upgrade but don't have any more
    • Sms when credits are lower than x (credits add-on by @DragonByte Tech )
  • Send SMS Panel
    • Full support of user criteria
    • Some placeholders to replace user's name, id, custom fields and even phrases.
Note: all the options have fields to let you set your own text and also support appropriate placeholders that you can use to make the sms text more clear. Also, some options like "Low Credit Amount" and "SMS for Upgrade Expiration" and ... let you set the appropriate variable like credit name, credit amount, days remaining and ...

  • You should register in Novin Payamak and activate you SMS Panel (its free and its dedicated for Iranian) Of course you can get paid services and tools too.
  • Then you need to go to API page and activate an API (get Username and Password)
Note: Novin Payamk's services are supported just in Iran. So just Iranian (or another user who is in Iran can use this add-on).

This add-on is free and will remain free, as a gift from Dadparvar and NovinPayamk to all XF users.
182.7 KB
First release
Last update

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