- Compatible XF Versions
- 2.1
- Additional Requirements
- Xenforo guests page caching disabled / can be enabled but you need some modification on your config.php (check FAQ)
- Tested with XF 2.1.
- Not tested yet with XF 2.0, but I think it should work.
- Check FAQ section above.
<xf:if is="cutemb_is_mobile()">
You are using mobile
<xf:else />
You are not using mobile
<xf:if is="cutemb_is_mobile()">
You are using mobile
<xf:if is="! cutemb_is_mobile()">
You are not using mobile
- cutemb_is_tablet
- cutemb_is_android_os
- cutemb_is_iphone
- cutemb_is_ipad
- cutemb_is_ios
- cutemb_is_chrome
- cutemb_is_opera
- cutemb_is_ie
- cutemb_is_firefox
- cutemb_is_safari
- cutemb_is_uc_browser
<xf:if is="cutemb_is_firefox()">
You are using firefox
<xf:else />
You are not using firefox
There is no setting page in admin section.
Although this addon is marked as unmaintained, but i will try to answer your questions

This addon uses mobile detection library from :