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XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1)

xF2 Beta XenForo native mobile app for Android and iOS - (XenForo 2.0 & 2.1) 10.44.00

No permission to download
- Feature : We added a registration page (as webview) - Thanks to ichpen for the report.
- UI : Better text input padding
- Bug : Fixed a bug with Appify's generator where some app generations were stuck forever
- Performance : Some performance optimizations on the forum list
Bug : Fixed a bug where forums in a sub folder (eg. could not load threads contents
- Improvement : We disabled Appify licence validation for Apple IP, so your app can't be rejected by Apple validation if you reached Appify's free quota
- Bug : Fixed a bug where we could not log-in into the app in some cases - Thanks to Anon for the report. #249
- Bug : Fixed a bug where like text could be shown as HTML when liking posts on XenForo 2.0 - Thanks to hiddenking for the report. #253
- Bug : Fixed a bug where we could not create a thread on a sub domain forum (eg. - Thanks to hiddenking for the report. #253
- UI : Button overflow for buttons under the post - Thanks to hiddenking for the report. #252
- You now can upload custom fonts in your Appify's dashboard, in order to customize a little bit more your mobile app! - Thanks to Freelancer for the report. #254
- Improvement : we added a XenForo option to enable or disable mobile app node permissions, because some users did not see categories in the mobile app by default. Now, by default, you will see by default all the categories in the forum list, as it is in the web view - Thanks to hiddenking for the report.
- Improvement : We now ask the permission to access user's files & photos ONLY when uploading attachments (before, it was asking this permission on every pages where there was a text input)
- Bug : Fixed an app crash when loading threads in some cases - Thanks to hiddenking for the report.
- Bug : Fixed a bug where logging out button would not work in some cases
- We added a view for Andy's RSVP addon (when you have it). That's just the begining of this addon integration.
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Reactions: doomapps
- Bug: Fixed a server error in the ACP send message to user section
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Reactions: doomapps
Bug fixes
  • Bug: Fixed a potential 404 error when the forum URLs added in Appify's generator contains a trailing slash
  • Bug: Conversations list pagination was incorrect
  • UX: Fixed some performance issues in private messages
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Reactions: doomapps
- UI: Removed the last poster username from the forum list
- UI: Better last post view - Thanks to ByFataLTR for the report. #98
- Bug: Fixed a bug where the overview page was empty - Thanks to Mr. Jinx for the report. #157
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Reactions: doomapps

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