Nulled Scripts Community

Best Scripts Site In The World


Sub-add-on for "AMS" by Bob: find outdated links to other articles and replace them automatically
Allows You to create FAQ within Threads using BBCODE
Vacation Admin
xF2 Beta Vacation 1.0.0 Beta 5
This add-on introduces an automatic leave system.
Adds a checkbox "I read and accept rules" in content creation interface
PhpStorm Live Templates for XenForo 2 AnimeHaxor
Shortcuts and macros for various commonly-used development text snippets
[OGRU] DataTables BB Code converter Admin
This addon converts DataTables BB Code to native XF 2.x tables
[TTG] Quick Node and Resource Filter Admin
A Quick Node and Resource Search Custom Addon
[XFRM] Edit history Admin
Edit history support for XFRM
Implements the ability for drag'n'drop multiple files into editor
CashFree Payment Profile Admin
Indian Payment Gateway for Account Upgrade Purchase
Banner Advert Generator Admin
Generates simple image-based banner adverts to help you style advert placements
SEO Utilities Admin
Various options to improve the SEO of your forum
Thread Prefixes Widget Cloud AnimeHaxor
A thread prefixes widget for your sidebar etc. Prefix text's font size bazed on usage on your board.
