XenForo 1.x

XenForo 1.x

Top resources

Velour AnimeHaxor
Gorgeous style in blue colors
Resources Download Now AnimeHaxor
Makes Download Now button open in a new tab.
Brivium - Force to Read a Thread AnimeHaxor
This add-on will force users to read a thread before doing other actions.
Add security, search, sort, filter, payments, shipping, reporting and revenue to your classifieds.
[TH] Force Read Admin PC AnimeHaxor
It forces users to read the pc(s) of super admin.
Adds ShiftCheckbox jQuery plugin functionality to XenForo's threads and conversations list.
Attachment Check AnimeHaxor
Checks for orphaned inline attachment BB Codes in messages.
Local Time - PixelExit AnimeHaxor
isplay a user's local time in the postbit.
ITD] Display Crossed Staff Ribbon at Message User Info AnimeHaxor
Display Crossed Staff Ribbon at Message User Info in XF 1.4
Rich Admin Group Names AnimeHaxor
This adds rich group names to places where user groups are displayed in the Admin Panel.
Dead Link Management AnimeHaxor
find all the links in posts, checks their status, and see all links in a list
Alert Icons Management AnimeHaxor
Remove avatars, add Font Awesome icons.. or not, or change it up!
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