XenForo 1.x

XenForo 1.x

Top resources

[TH] Font Awesome BBCode Admin
Font Awesome used in posts? Done.
[ITD] Attachment Icons. Admin
Add icons to your various type attachments.
XenWord Pro Admin
A Simple XenForo and WordPress Bridge
[HA] Users Years of Experience AnimeHaxor
let users set a date for starting of their experience
German translation for Threema Gateway AnimeHaxor
German translation for two-step verification integration with Threema
[HA] Floating Menu AnimeHaxor
Easily create and manage floating menu
Image Resizer AnimeHaxor
Image Resizer is designed to resize all your attached images which exceed dimensions specified.
First Post AnimeHaxor
Requires new members to make their first post in the introduction forum.
[XFA] Tournament AnimeHaxor
Organize and manage tournaments (sports, games, ...) between your users all within XenForo !
Anchor BBcode (BBM) - Anchorman AnimeHaxor
Add anchors to your posts in your Xenforo forum.
New Thread Restriction AnimeHaxor
Removes the "Post New Thread" button until minimum number of post criteria is met.
Allow users to add their own response option to the polls - controlled by permissions
CiscoLatest member