XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Force people to like some social to continue
Easier to hide some categories and sidebar
Show moderators in thread, forum and nodelist
Adds view counts to your resource area
Validate the XenForo licenses of your members (for some reason...)
Just another Captcha addon for Xenforo. Swipe to verify!
Converts hot linked images in Resource Manager into attachments.
[SSD] Thread Info Admin
See thread statistics at a glance
Let your staff team ignore other staff members - keep your sanity!
Default style modified for flat appearance - minus some gradients and minus curves
[8WR] XenUtiles (Tools) Admin
[8WR] XenUtiles (Tools).
[8WR] XenMedio (Media) Admin
Media Library with API Retrieval
[8WR] Ultimate Random Header Admin
Forced/User-Selected/Random Image
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