XenForo 1.x Add-ons

XenForo 1.x Add-ons

Top resources

Export and Upload your Database to Offsite location with Cron
Theme Usage Information AnimeHaxor
Allows Admin to see how many members are using a theme
Plot users / guests online on your forum with Munin
Show / Hide Similar Threads at bottom of thread
Gametracker SSL Proxy AnimeHaxor
Keeps your ssl site secure when using Gametracker banners.
CDN77.com Stats AnimeHaxor
Adds stats about your CDN to the ACP
Style Permissions AnimeHaxor
Allows you to choose which usergroups/individual usergroups can view/access a style
Icewind More Permissions AnimeHaxor
Currently adds 10 new permissions and 2 new user search criterion.
Photobucket Check AnimeHaxor
Shows when photobucket.com is contained in a post.
Special Avatar for Banned Members AnimeHaxor
Default avatar for banned members
Minimum Post Length Enforcer AnimeHaxor
Ensures messages are a minimum length, with or without BBCode
Top Threads Plus AnimeHaxor
Shows your most viewed threads in the sidebar.
Better Analytics AnimeHaxor
Set your Google Analytics tracking to track more info.
Help Pages Wrapper Manager AnimeHaxor
Control your Help Pages structure
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